
Things I am passionate about. Injustice, stupidity, intolerance, bigotry and small-mindedness. Oh and there might just be some humor to offset the whole thing.

Archive for the ‘Barack Obama’ Category

This could be the game changer

Posted by morganwrites on October 13, 2008

(American Thinker) – Someone with the unlikely name of Molotov Mitchell has produced a 10 minute and 52 second video [watch it below] that could well change the terms of the election — if enough people watch it. Illuminati Productions has posted it to YouTube. They have provided the voting public a very professionally and engagingly done video generation equivalent of a long detailed article in a place like American Thinker.

It makes accessible to the general public some of the serious questions about Obama’s citizenship status that have been vetted almost exclusively in the conservative web world. You can’t get most voters to focus on print media in order to entertain a series of hard questions on what seems like a far-fetched notion. Especially those voters who rely on the Big Media. They figure that if this were true, they would have heard about it from the old familiar faces.

But you can get people to watch 11 minutes of interesting video raising a slew of questions for Obama, in fact cornering him, on the question of his birth, citizenship, and eligibility for office as POTUS under the Constitution. Especially if people start talking about the video. It’s called viral distribution. A friend emails an Obama-supporting friend and dares him or her to watch.

A lifelong Democrat who has held political office and been a committeeman, Philip Berg, has brought suit over the real questions raised by the absence of a valid Obama birth certificate. His narrative of the various questions Obama has refused to answer is devastating. Graphics and sound are well-deployed to avoid tedium as factual data is conveyed in a way that allows viewers to absorb it. When he contrasts Obama’s behavior when challenged (use perfectly valid legal technicalities to delay) with John McCain’s full disclosure of all documentary evidence under a similar challenge (remember the flap over his birth in the Panama Canal Zone? — who raised those questions, anyway?), there is no doubt in a viewer’s mind that there is something seriously wrong here.
We are talking about the Presidency and this guy stonewalls?

The only way Obama can satisfactorily respond is to release his suposed Hawaiian birth certificate. If he has it, why hasn’t he released it? If he does release it, game over. So why drag this out on technical grounds? It doesn’t make sense.

If this video gets widely viewed and discussed, Obama’s support will crumble in the face of continued stonewalling.

I am grateful for the efforts of the people who put this op together. It is brilliantly timed. I do know that there are one or more smart Democrats who haven’t forgiven Obama and who don’t want to see him elected. They know how to design and implement really effective plans to get things done.

They might even want to get Obama thrown off the ballot and replaced by the second place finisher before Election Day. Or, if the Democratic Party stonewalls and the court delays, pick up the pieces.

Watch it and see what you think.

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Poll: Obama Faring Poorly Among Racists

Posted by morganwrites on October 4, 2008

Bigots Oppose Barack by 1,000-to-1 Margin

In a potentially ominous sign for the Democratic nominee, a new poll shows Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) trailing far behind GOP standard bearer Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) among voters who identify themselves as racists.

Pundits and pollsters alike have wondered about the role racists might play in the 2008 presidential contest, but the new survey released today was the first concrete attempt to take the pulse of this key voting bloc.

The poll, conducted by Duh Magazine, suggests that Mr. Obama faces an uphill battle in his effort to win the votes of dyed-in-the-wool bigots.

“We wanted to know, why isn’t Barack Obama closing the deal among racists?” said Charles Plugh, editor-in-chief of Duh. “The answer seems to be because he’s black.”

In a head-to-head match-up, likely bigots chose Sen. McCain over Sen. Obama by a margin of 1,000 to 1, with a majority of racists saying they “strongly disagree” with Sen. Obama’s decision not to be white.

Asked under what conditions they would conceivably vote for a black presidential candidate, 95 percent of racists responded, “Only if he were running against someone from a group I hated even more, such as Arabs.”

Duh editor Plugh says the poll indicates that Sen. Obama “has his work cut out for him” if he is going to make up lost ground among racists.

“Sen. Obama made a choice at the beginning of this campaign to run as a black man,” Mr. Plugh said. “He could change his position on that, but racists might see that as too little, too late.”

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Barack Obama Campaign Mocks John McCain’s Disability in New Ad!

Posted by morganwrites on September 14, 2008

Much has been discussed about John McCain not being able to use a computer and in an ad from the Barack Obama campaign (shown above) it says, “Can’t send an email,” referencing McCain. An article in from 2000, shows McCain cannot type on a keyboard.

It took a blogger from The Corner less than a day to find an article in that references John McCain injuries from Vietnam, showing he cannot tie his shoes, comb his hair properly or “typing on a keyboard,” stating it was because of his severe war injuries, which limit his ability to do certain things with his hands.

McCain gets emotional at the mention of military families needing food stamps or veterans lacking health care. The outrage comes from inside: McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes. Friends marvel at McCain’s encyclopedic knowledge of sports. He’s an avid fan – Ted Williams is his hero – but he can’t raise his arm above his shoulder to throw a baseball.

One has to wonder if anyone at the Obama campaign knows how to use a search engine.

This new ad is part of the aggressive campaigning the Obama officials say they will be rolling out and as ABC’s Political Punch points out, this is the thrid or fourth time Barack Obama will be “taking the gloves off,” to fight it out.

David Plouffe, who is Obama’s campaign manager, says they are heading into the final stretch and continues on to say, “We will respond with speed and ferocity to John McCain’s attacks and we will take the fight to him, but we will do it on the big issues that matter to the American people. We will not allow John McCain and his band of Karl Rove disciples to make this big election about small things.”

If mocking John McCain’s disabilities that he obtained during his captivity in war, is how they plan to fight the big issues, then Obama’s campaign has more problems than just sagging poll numbers.

Perhaps some lesson on how to use a Google search engine should be in order for the Obama campaign members responsible for creating these latest types of ads.

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Unfit For Office!!1!!1! McCain Can’t Tie His Shoes

Posted by morganwrites on September 14, 2008

A few more thoughts about what Rob and Proof have said earlier about Obama’s new ad going after McCain for not using email.

FDR won WWII without AOL.

Reagan didn’t use email . . . are you saying Reagan sucked, you pinko ratfink loser?

McCain is absolutely fair game. He has taken the low road against Obama (which, frankly, I am all for and hope he is saving the best for last) so McCain is open to taunts that he is old, that he is rich and out-of-touch, the consumate Washington insider, who chooses an alaskan amazon to be his veep.

But isn’t it a bit of a low blow to say we should laugh at the guy because he can’t use his hands very well? Because they were CRUSHED BY HIS COMMIE TORTURERS no less?

Is this a fruitful tack for the Obamanids to take? Will it play at the VFW?

Barack Obama should leave the Isotoners on – he just isn’t good at playing the bully (he doesn’t have a knack for it, to his credit) and he doesn’t do his research: the claim by McCain that he can’t use email because his captors ruined his hands isn’t just some ad hoc campaign response. From 2004:

McCain’s severe war injuries prevent him from combing his hair, typing on a keyboard, or tying his shoes.

Update: Ouch – “I think they spent months trying to figure out how they can position Obama as better qualified than McCain, and basically came up with the fact that Obama can type.”

Update: Double Ouch – “In a similar vein I guess it’s an outrage that the blind governor of New York David Patterson doesn’t know how to drive a car. After all, transportation issues are pretty important. How dare he serve as governor while being ignorant of what it’s like to navigate New York’s highways.”

Update: Doh! – “In certain ways, McCain was a natural Web candidate. Chairman of the Senate Telecommunications Subcommittee and regarded as the U.S. Senate’s savviest technologist, McCain is an inveterate devotee of email. His nightly ritual is to read his email together with his wife, Cindy. The injuries he incurred as a Vietnam POW make it painful for McCain to type. Instead, he dictates responses that his wife types on a laptop. “She’s a whiz on the keyboard, and I’m so laborious,” McCain admits.”

Crossposted from Ken McCracken

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McClintObama Amnesty Plan: 20 million Illegal Alien Voters by 2010

Posted by morganwrites on August 24, 2008

Have GOP Voters forgotten that just a few months ago, John McCain stood hand-in-hand with liberal icon Ted Kennedy pushing for the largest amnesty for illegal aliens in American history? While Rasmussen polling showed that Americans following the legislation very closely opposed it 3 to 1 (69% to 23%), McCain ignored the massive public outcry!

The angry calls rolling into the Senate offices, including John McCain’s, were between 50 and 100 to 1 against McCain and Kennedy’s bill. We know this because we stood outside his door counting calls received by his staff and because other Senators told us the ratios they were receiving. History was made when the Capital phone system shut down, due to overload of calls from angry Americans.

John McCain refused to listen to Americans and went so far as to call members of the Senate who refused to support the McKennedy Amnesty “Racists”! John McCain showed no regard for American voices and instead called those who disagreed with him petty names. Who was John McCain listening to? He was listening to the US Chamber of Commerce and the racist illegal alien support groups like La Raza (The Race) whom he openly coordinated the effort with.

John McCain has illustrated in dramatic fashion that when he feels safe in his office, he couldn’t care less about what a majority of Americans think.

Now, John McCain claims he is listening because he wants to be President in a few months. He says he will “Secure the Border First!” Even if you could trust John McCain, which you cannot, his border security pledge will be quickly reduced to irrelevance, if his desire for Amnesty for 20 million illegal aliens becomes a reality…

Barrack Obama brags about how he worked with Senator McCain for “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” amnesty. If the GOP voters allow McCain to win the primary, they will be denying Americans any real choice against Amnesty in November. Unless an independent candidate enters the race, our choice will be between Clinton, Obama, or McCain all pushing for Amnesty from the White House, just like Bush!

Some conservatives will hold their nose and vote for McCain out of fear of the Democrats, others will go third party. Many conservatives would not vote for McCain at gunpoint!

The Republican Party will not be destroyed, if the McCain, Obama, Clinton Amnesty becomes a reality. Each party will race to replace American voices in their ranks, with the twenty million new voters who were recently illegal aliens. Does this surprise anyone who is knowledgeable about how American homes, jobs, tax dollars, limited health care resources, and finite seats in schools are being given to illegal aliens as well?

Any border security promised by McCain will quickly fade into irrelevance beneath the political weight of America’s new race based voting block of legalized illegal aliens. What hope will Americans have for border security or immigration enforcement once this happens? The answer is clear… NONE!

Seventy Seven percent of Americans oppose licenses for illegal aliens. Under the McClintObama plan, twenty million illegal aliens will be eligible for licenses within a few years.

Over seventy percent of Americans oppose taxpayer benefits and welfare for illegal aliens. Under the McClintObama plan, twenty million illegal aliens will be turned into citizen voters and will be eligible for welfare and all taxpayer benefits.

Over 80 percent of Americans oppose in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Under the McClintObama plan, twenty million legalized illegal aliens will qualify for in-state tuition.

Under the McClintObama plan, employers will only have to worry about hiring the next twenty million illegal aliens flooding the country, in response to the Amnesty provided to the most recent wave.

John McCain supports Amnesty. If you have any doubts, then ask yourself why his campaign has deployed open borders fanatic, Juan Hernandez to secure the Hispanic vote for McCain.

Juan Hernandez is a dual citizen of Mexico and America. He used to work for Mexican President Vicente Fox by reaching out to and organizing illegal aliens from Mexico inside the US. Hernandez is known for his stance called, “Mexico First”. He is a regular on national television, where he flagrantly advocates amnesty and Open Borders with Mexico.

Juan Hernandez is the face of the McCain’s campaign to Hispanic voters and he did a great job delivering the Hispanic vote in Florida to McCain!

There are two main reasons McCain is winning the GOP Primary right now. One is the anti-illegal immigration vote is split up between Romney and Paul, who appear to be sincere in their “No Amnesty” pledges. The anti-illegal immigration vote is also splitting to Mike Huckabee, who truthfully supports Amnesty and a path to citizenship for illegal aliens, but is a very skillful liar. Huckabee is deceiving voters by mailing out endorsment cards from lone Minuteman Jim Gilchrist. The anti-illegal immigration vote is divided three ways, and the pro-amnesty vote is now collected around John McCain.

The second reason McCain is winning is that many GOP voters don’t know his immigration stances, have forgotten his immigration stances, or have forgiven his immigration stances. They say, “He has changed” or “We have to stop Clinton and Obama”.

John McCain has not changed or he would not have Juan Hernandez out promising Amnesty for illegal aliens. John McCain has not changed or he would not be saying, “Secure the Borders first”, without getting into the part where amnesty is then passed. John McCain has not changed because he recently stated on the national news that he would still vote for his amnesty bill or sign it into law as President!

Do GOP voters really prefer to have one of their own pushing amnesty than a Democrat? I am a Republican, getting closer to independent every day, but I will say that at very least the Democrats are more honest about their pro-amnesty positions than McCain and Huckabee.

What madness, lies, or misinformation would infect the mind of a GOP voter for them to support a man like John McCain, who works openly with ultra-liberal Democrats, almost changed parties to join the Democrats in 2001, and has the worst record on immigration of any of the GOP candidates?

Why would anyone support a man who is so detached from reality that he told a booing crowd of Union workers that they would not pick lettuce for even $50 an hour!?!?!

John McCain says he knows all about securing the border because he is from Arizona. Say what? Has anyone seen the conditions in Arizona lately, where they have declared a state of emergency and fought to pass strict state laws to enforce the immigration laws, which John McCain and his DC insiders refuse to enforce?

There are good reasons why Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingram, Hugh Hewitt, and Michelle Malkin are heavily criticizing John McCain. There are good reasons for Ronald Reagan’s son, Michael to condemn the McCain candidacy. There are good reasons why ALIPAC, NumbersUSA, and almost every other organization in America fighting against Amnesty and illegal immigration, while supporting Border Security, are screaming NO to McCain!

The principles of this nation are at stake. The value of our votes is at stake. The survival of the United States, in its current form, is at stake.

We must stop the McClintObama Amnesty Plan. We must stop twenty million illegal aliens from becoming voters by 2010. We must race against time to warn every GOP voter before Super Tuesday, because we must do all we can to stop John McCain.

No one with any sense can make any sense out of our senseless politicans!

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Readers don’t buy ‘explanation’ of donations

Posted by morganwrites on August 24, 2008

A Wall Street Journal report brushed off concerns about contributions of more than $30,000 to Sen. Barack Obama campaign from three brothers in Gaza, but the newspaper’s readers weren’t swallowing the explanation.

WND reported Obama’s campaign admitted to receiving $33,500 in illegal foreign contributions from three brothers in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip and reported the left-wing Daily Kos website suggesting WND – whose Jerusalem bureau chief Aaron Klein investigated the story – might have concocted a convoluted scheme to make the Illinois senator look bad.

The WSJ report from Glenn R. Simpson sadi the donations came in between Sept. 20 and Dec. 6 and virtually all of the money was returned by Dec. 6. But the refunds weren’t reported to the Federal Election Commission due to a technical error, campaign officials told the paper.

However, the newspaper’s comments page, following a supportive comment signed Obama ’08, was flooded with skepticism. That first comment was: “That’s why Obama is ethical and why both of his administrations will start a new chapter in honesty and hope for the American people (and world citizens).”

Other readers said:

• “I wonder why these guys are supporting Obama and not McCain… Maybe they know something that we don’t,” said an anonymous forum participant.
• “Living in a refugee camp saving $3,3500.00 (sic) donating it to BO is an act of hero, that has never [been] seen in human history!”
• “We need to figure out where this money ACTUALLY came from. I am guessing that someone living in a refugee camp does not have such $$ laying around. … This is a red flag that warrants further investigation.”
• “Well that’s very Clintonian of you Mr. Obama … Seems to me I read in some other story just yesterday that some reporter had interviewed one of these mugs on the phone and there was no mention of any $$$ being returned… Hmmmm.”
• “The average wage in the Gaza Strip is $416 a month. … This begs the question: Who really funded this contribution?”
• “Why do a bunch of terrorists need Obama T-shirts?”
• “I fear this is just the tip of the iceberg. What about all those donations that can be traced to Iran and Saudi Arabia? This needs to be investigated.”
• “Are you sure the Obama campaign returned the donations?”

The brothers in question – Monir, Hosan and Osama Edwan – spoke on the record with WND about the online donations to the presidential candidate.

WND spoke to the brothers after Obama’s campaign contended it returned the $33,500 in illegal contributions, but the donors said they have not received any money.

Last week, the blog Atlas Shrugs outlined the series of donations made on Obama’s official website last year by Monir Edwan and Hosam Edwan, totaling $29,521.54. The third brother, Osama, reportedly gave the campaign about $4,000.

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Obama site: Jews must be ‘burned’

Posted by morganwrites on August 23, 2008

Anti-Semites congregate on candidate’s official presidential campaign blog.

JERUSALEM – Jews should be “burned” and “thrown in the oven.”

Israel murdered 6 million Arabs.

Jews control American politics and dictate decisions of war and peace.

The Jewish state is leading a “Holocaust” against the Palestinian people and was responsible for 9/11.
The above are just a sampling of a large volume of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel propaganda that can be found on user-generated pages on Sen. Barack Obama’s official campaign website, which allows registered members to form groups and post content in online “community” blogs.

The Obama campaign does not monitor all blog material but says it removes offending posts brought to the attention of site administrators.

A search through the community blogs on Obama’s official site under such key words as “Zionists,” “Israel Lobby,” or “Jews” brings up thousands of entries, some containing what can easily be described as hate material.

In a blog posting on Obama’s site titled, “Are Israeli Zionists in Control of Our Democracy?” user “Stan” claims “Israeli elements” in the U.S. who possess both American and Israeli citizenship “dominate our political process so we cannot act as an honest broker in the Middle East.”

He said members of Congress “know that they must support the will of Israel or be subjected to the wrath of [pro-Israel groups].”

The posting goes on to urge a U.S. military boycott of Israel, lamenting that Hamas is labeled a terror group while the U.S. supplied Israel with “planes, rockets, cluster and phosphorus bombs for Israel to use at will.”

Another blog entry, simply titled “Palestinians,” concocts “Jewish genocide of six million Palis (Palestinians)” and urges Obama to “level the playing field for the suffering Palestinians.”

“Many non-militant Arabs and Muslims await some degree of fairness from you if you are elected,” noted the entry.

In a blog titled “Palestine vs. Israel,” MyObama user “Patti” complains she “cannot comprehend how many Jewish people can speak of the Holocaust as well as stating that Israel is the Holy Land and commit the atrocities they are committing against the Palestinian people.”

A blog labeled “The only way to free America” urges Americans to “throw the Jews in the oven.”
“Shed ourselves from the racist Zionists in America. They control everything. But they won’t keep us down any longer. Throw the Jews in the oven this November. Its the only way we can free America and make sure barack obama is elected!

One entry titled, “Stop the attacks on Muslim Nations to please Zionists,” announces “Israel has destroyed its own image in the world and is taking America down with its Zionist aggression.”

Anti-Semitic rhetoric is not limited to blog entries alone, but can also be found in user comments on some of the blog postings.

For example, a comment on a blog discussing energy, reads “Burn something else besides oil…start with the Zionists.”

Many of the “Israel Lobby” entries have comments accusing Jews of controlling the U.S.

If Barack can’t manage his own web site, how can we possibly think he can manage our country?

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Posted by morganwrites on August 23, 2008

Last week raised important questions about whether Barack Obama is strong enough to be president. On the domestic political front, he showed incredible weakness in dealing with the Clintons, while on foreign and defense questions, he betrayed a lack of strength and resolve in standing up to Russia’s invasion of Georgia.

This two-dimensional portrait of weakness underscores fears that Obama might, indeed, be a latter-day Jimmy Carter.

Consider first the domestic and political. Bill and Hillary Clinton have no leverage over Obama. Hillary can’t win the nomination. She doesn’t control any committees. If she or her supporters tried to disrupt the convention or demonstrate outside, she would pay a huge price among the party faithful. If Obama lost – after Hillary made a fuss at the convention – they would blame her for all eternity (just like Democrats blame Ted Kennedy for Carter’s defeat).

But, without having any leverage or a decent hand to play, the Clintons bluffed Obama into amazing concessions. Hillary will speak on Tuesday night in prime time. Chelsea will introduce her. She will get to play a film extolling her virtues produced by Harry Bloodworth Thomason. Bill will speak on Wednesday night. Hillary’s name will be placed into nomination. She will get to have nominating and seconding speeches on her behalf. And, on Thursday night, the last night of the convention, the roll call will show how narrowly Obama prevailed.

So Obama gave away Tuesday night, Wednesday night and part of Thursday night to the Clintons. It will really be their convention. A stronger candidate would’ve called their bluff and confined the Clintons to one night on which both Hillary and Bill spoke (he would have outshone her). He would have blocked a roll call by allowing a voice vote to nominate by acclimation. He would have stood up to the Clintons and recaptured his own convention.

If Obama can’t stand up to the Clintons, after they have been defeated, how can he measure up to a resurgent Putin who has just achieved a military victory? When the Georgia invasion first began, Obama appealed for “restraint” on both sides. He treated the aggressive lion and the victimized lamb even-handedly. His performance was reminiscent of the worst of appeasement at Munich, where another dictator got away with seizing another breakaway province of another small neighboring country, leading to World War II.

After two days, Obama corrected himself, spoke of Russian aggression and condemned it. But his initial willingness to see things from the other point of view and to buy the line that Georgia provoked the invasion by occupying a part of its own country betrayed a world view characterized by undue deference to aggressors.

We know so little about Obama. His experience is so thin that it’s hard to tell what kind of a president he’d be. While he nominally has been in the Senate for four years, he really only served the first two and consumed the rest of his tenure running for president and disregarding his Senate duties.

So we have no choice but to scrutinize his current transactions and statements for some clue as to who he is and what he’d do. In that context, his reaction to the first real-time foreign-policy crisis he faced as a nominee leaves his strength in doubt. So does his palsied response to the Clintons’ attempt to make Denver a Clinton convention.

Is Obama an over-intellectualizing Hamlet who is incapable of decisive, strong action? With Iran on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons and Russia resurgent, there isn’t much room for on-the-job learning.

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Obama meets Pickens to discuss alternative energy, deflects Swift Boat question

Posted by morganwrites on August 23, 2008

Democrat Barack Obama met Sunday with Texas oil baron and longtime conservative activist T. Boone Pickens to discuss strategies for developing alternative energy.
The presidential hopeful praised Pickens as a “legendary entrepreneur” and deflected a question about the billionaire’s role in helping to fund a television ad campaign that undermined John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic nominee.
“You know, he’s got a longer track record than that,” Obama told reporters when asked about Pickens’ association with the ads by a group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. “One of the things I think we have to unify the country around is having an intelligent energy policy. … That’s what we’re going to be talking about.”
During the 2004 presidential campaign, Pickens spent $3 million to help bankroll the Swift Boat organization, a group tied to supporters of President Bush that ran television ads questioning Kerry’s record as a swift boat commander during the Vietnam War. The ads were believed to have damaged Kerry in several battleground states, contributing to his narrow loss to Bush.
Today, Pickens is bankrolling a much different kind of campaign. A critic of U.S. dependence on oil and a champion of wind power and other alternative energy forms, he has vowed to spend $58 million to promote his “Pickens Plan,” which calls for the U.S. to generate 22 percent of its electricity through wind and other sources.
The high cost of energy has emerged as a central campaign issue between Obama and his Republican rival John McCain. Pickens met with McCain in Colorado last week to discuss his plan and requested a similar meeting with Obama. The two men talked privately for about 45 minutes, campaign officials said Sunday.

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Obama Releases List of Approved Jokes About Himself

Posted by morganwrites on August 23, 2008

Bid to Help Late Night Comics

Saying he is “sympathetic to late night comedians’ struggle to find jokes to make about me,” Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) today issued a list of official campaign-approved Barack Obama jokes.

The five jokes, which Sen. Obama said he is making available to all comedians free of charge, are as follows:

Barack Obama and a kangaroo pull up to a gas station. The gas station attendant takes one look at the kangaroo and says, “You know, we don’t get many kangaroos here.” Barack Obama replies, “At these prices, I’m not surprised. That’s why we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”

A traveling salesman knocks on the door of a farmhouse, and much to his surprise, Barack Obama answers the door. The salesman says, “I was expecting the farmer’s daughter.” Barack Obama replies, “She’s not here. The farm was foreclosed on because of subprime loans that are making a mockery of the American Dream.”

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, “Why the long face?” Barack Obama replies, “His jockey just lost his health insurance, which should be the right of all Americans.”

Q: What’s black and white and red all over? A: The Barack Obama issue of New Yorker magazine, which should be embarrassed after publishing such a tasteless and offensive cover, which I reject and denounce.

A Christian, a Jew and Barack Obama are in a rowboat in the middle of the ocean. Barack Obama says, “This joke isn’t going to work because there’s no Muslim in this boat.”

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