
Things I am passionate about. Injustice, stupidity, intolerance, bigotry and small-mindedness. Oh and there might just be some humor to offset the whole thing.

Posts Tagged ‘Homosexuality’

San Francisco fest features public sex with no arrests

Posted by morganwrites on August 25, 2008

‘This is what the gay agenda is all about’

Nude men engaged in multiple instances of public sex on a municipal street while police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregated nearby making no attempt to enforce public indecency regulations, according to a report on the latest homosexual-fest in San Francisco.

The behavior was documented in photographs of an event called “Up Your Alley,” which is sponsored by the same group that organizes the city’s fall “gay”-fest, the Folsom Street Fair, on which WND has reported.

“Consider how liberal government authorities like Mayor [Gavin] Newsom have corrupted the men in blue by stipulating that police not prosecute public nudity and indecency at homosexual festivals,” said a report from Americans for Truth on the graphic activities documented at the event.

“What honor can there be in protecting the public practice of heinous perversions and nudity in the city’s streets? The shame of pandering politicians is transferred to the cops who were intended to be guardians of the law and public order,” said the organizer’s chief, Peter LaBarbera. Nude men engaged in multiple instances of public sex on a municipal street while police officers, on foot and bicycle, congregated nearby making no attempt to enforce public indecency regulations, according to a report on the latest homosexual-fest in San Francisco.

The behavior was documented in photographs of an event called “Up Your Alley,” which is sponsored by the same group that organizes the city’s fall “gay”-fest, the Folsom Street Fair, on which WND has reported.

“Consider how liberal government authorities like Mayor [Gavin] Newsom have corrupted the men in blue by stipulating that police not prosecute public nudity and indecency at homosexual festivals,” said a report from Americans for Truth on the graphic activities documented at the event.

“What honor can there be in protecting the public practice of heinous perversions and nudity in the city’s streets? The shame of pandering politicians is transferred to the cops who were intended to be guardians of the law and public order,” said the organizer’s chief, Peter LaBarbera.

His organization is one of the few in the country to call officials from San Francisco on the issue of the obscene behavior, including public acts of sex, documented during the festival in late July.

Americans for Truth previously worked to raise the nation’s awareness of the Folsom Street Fair, which last fall broke into the headlines with its promotional image mocking the Last Supper scene of Jesus Christ and his disciples, replacing the biblical leaders with leather-adorned men and the bread and wine with sex toys.

LaBarbera, who had to edit photos to conceal full nudity in images from the public street festival before he could post them as part of his report, said there were exhibitionists who “walked around baring their genitals, with no fear of being arrested.” Other websites, to which WND is unable to link because of their graphic content, published fully explicit photographs of various public acts of sex and nudity. They featured explicit photographs of oral and anal sex between men and men urinating on each other, among other activities.

The Americans for Truth report follows the July 27 event, “one of the city’s two open-air celebrations of sadomasochism (euphemistically called the ‘leather’ lifestyle by practitioners),” AFT said. “It is telling to us that the same city whose mayor, Gavin Newsom (D), ignited the ‘same-sex marriage’ crusade in California by illegally issuing ‘gay marriage’ licenses – openly tolerates and celebrates gross perversions, nudity and sexual lawlessness on its streets.”

The images captured in the photos were described by one WND reader as “vomit-inducing.”

“This is what the gay agenda is all about,” the reader said. “I’ll go even further and call [the images] depraved and disgusting.

“Remember, this is on the public streets of San Francisco,” the reader said.

“These photos do not fit in with the slick, national ‘gay’ marketing plan, to be sure,” LaBarbera wrote. “Nevertheless, the pathetic and debased spectacle is as much an offspring of the ‘GLBT’ movement as the current quest for homosexual ‘marriage.’ The latter radically redefines and corrupts an ancient institution created by God to order relations between man and woman as the basis for family life.

Perverse events like ‘Up Your Alley’ … mock any notion of right and wrong – as the reckless pursuit of anything-goes ‘tolerance’ leads governmental authorities to enable and promote evil, turning freedom into sexual anarchy while causing a breakdown in law and order.”

WND made multiple attempts to reach officials in San Francisco for a comment on the apparent lack of obscenity and indecency regulation enforcement during the festival.

Officials with the San Francisco police department’s media relations office declined to return a message left by telephone. Also declining to return a message requesting a comment was the office of Newsom. Officials in the media office for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who represents the district, also declined to comment at all on the XXX-rated festival.

“One San Francisco policeman told our volunteers that the police were instructed not to make arrests for indecency on the city streets at “Up Your Alley” – but merely to ‘contain’ the activity to the street fair, which encompassed several city blocks,” Americans for Truth reported.

“San Francisco’s extreme political correctness has turned cops into impotent Perversion Protectors,” the group said.

The organization said the events included whippings, public sex between men, and even advocacy for slavery, with one man wearing nothing but cuffs and chains.

“Homosexual activists mock and deride Americans For Truth relentlessly for exposing sordid realities like ‘Up Your Alley’ – and showing you what happens when sexual radicals come to dominate a major city,” LaBarbera said.

“They don’t want Americans to see this side of their agenda … But we must face reality and come to grips with the truth that ‘rights’ based on aberrant sex are not genuine civil rights,” he said.

“Like the pantless perverts wandering around in sneakers-only at ‘Up Your Alley,’ the liberals’ pro-homosexual ‘tolerance and diversity’ program is now fully exposed as a soulless and bankrupt ideology,” LaBarbera said. “According to its precepts, nothing can be judged as wrong (sexually-speaking) – except, of course, normal, historic Judeo-Christian mores.”

And people ask me why I’m moving out of California. And depending on the upcoming election I just might move abroad.

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Google bans Christian ad

Posted by morganwrites on July 17, 2008

Anti-homosexual remarks considered ‘hate’ content.

Google has banned a Christian organization’s advertisements promoting its stance against homosexuality, saying the group promotes “hate.”

Stand to Reason, a nonprofit apologetics organization, says its “AdWord” advertisement on Google recently was pulled down. Specific AdWord ads are listed in the right-hand margin of search results on the popular site when key words an advertiser submits match with those put in by a Net user. A company promoting hats, for example, could have their site displayed when a user searches for information about hats.

Melinda Penner, director of operations for Stand to Reason, says the organization placed four ads on Google. Three of the ads remain on the system, but one leading Net surfers to a Q&A about same-sex marriage was taken down after running for two or three weeks.

“Google’s objections had to do with other articles on our website pertaining to homosexuality,” Penner told WND. “They claimed that their specialist had deemed us a hate site and that their policies didn’t allow people to have ads that discriminated against certain groups, which include sexual orientation.”
Penner said she asked Google what specifically it thought was “hate speech.”

“The things they cited were all moral judgments from our religious perspective about homosexuality, that it’s wrong,” she explained.

“The irony is that in one of the articles they cited, we have an admonition that one of our moral perspective is that we treat homosexuals respectfully and kindly.”

The Stand to Reason website has a special page with articles on homosexuality issues.
Penner says she has asked Google for its definition of “hate,” saying Stand to Reason’s positions are not hateful based on dictionary definitions.

When it comes to “discrimination,” she says, it is actually Google that is discriminating by disallowing Stand to Reason’s ads.

An e-mail Penner received from “Kristie” at Google used the “H” word, saying, “Google AdWords policy never permits ads or keywords promoting hate, violence, or crimes toward any organization, person or group protected by law,” including those distinguished by their “sexual orientation/gender identity.”
Penner countered via e-mail: “Your suspension of our advertisement illegitimately excludes one side of the [same-sex marriage] debate. If you deem the issue itself off limits, then consistency would require you to suspend all searches of the issue. Instead, your search criteria return links to sites strongly advocating same-sex marriage. …”

Kristie responded by reiterating the company’s verdict that the Stand to Reason website includes “unacceptable content.” In the same e-mail, she said, “Google believes strongly in freedom of expression. We therefore offer broad access to content across the Web without censoring results. Please note that the decisions we make concerning advertising in no way affect the search results we deliver.”

Penner noted that Google, which is in the midst of an IPO, or Initial Public Offering of stock, takes pride in its company motto: “Don’t be evil.”

“If that’s your company motto then there must be some things that you don’t want to do,” she told WND, “and if your definition of ‘hate’ is calling something ‘evil,’ then aren’t you a hate group?”
According to Penner, no anti-homosexuality ads currently are coming up in the right-hand ads; they are all pro-homosexual.

“I’m sure there must be some homosexual advocacy groups behind this,” she said.
Penner says she contacted a religious legal group and was told because Google is a private organization, there is really no legal action that can be taken.

The other three Stand to Reason ads that are still running on Google have to do with evolution, Christian apologetics and abortion.

Though the organization’s pro-life ad is still running on Google, another advertiser’s pro-life ad was removed.

In June, Google took down pro-life T-shirt ads a clothing company, Run2316, had run for a time in 2003 without a problem, the firm’s operations administrator, Christopher Clay, says.
In an e-mail to Clay, Google said, “At this time, Google policy does not permit the advertisement of websites that contain ‘religion and abortion or contraceptive content.’ As noted in our advertising terms and conditions, we reserve the right to exercise editorial discretion when it comes to the advertising we accept on our site.”

Clay believes Google’s IPO has caused the company to clamp down on advertising it finds distasteful. Google might begin trading its stocks as early as tomorrow on Nasdaq, according to news reports.
A spokesman from Google was reluctant to go on the record with WND either about the specific instances mentioned or the company’s “hate speech” policy.

He explained that the company does not allow advertising from organizations that speak negatively of a so-called “protected group.”

The spokesman would not talk about the pro-life issue or the reason one group’s pro-life ad might be acceptable and another group’s ad would not.

Google’s online guidelines for AdWord advertisers say nothing about homosexuality or protected classes of people. It does have, however, include a prohibition against advertising for casinos.
So is Google becoming more aggressive combating “hate speech” to coordinate with its IPO? Since the company is in a “quiet period” in conjunction with the public offering, the spokesman could not address the issue.

Seems to me that they’re not following their mantra of not being evil nor fair.

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